"Do You Believe In God?"
Casandra: [shooting people in execution style] Do you believe in God?
Hanzo: Yes.[gets shot]
Casandra: Do you believe in God?
Alucard: No.[gets shot]
Casandra: [points gun at Pico] Do you believe in God?
Pico: That's a complicated question. It depends on what you mean by "God". You see, I...
Casandra: Yes or no?
Pico: It helps no one to be reductive. I believe that that we are here implies to some degree that there are forces larger than us. Now, we can get into the semanticalities...
Casandra: YES OR NO?!?!?!?
Pico: [smoking a pipe] The very notion of belief itself can be rhetorically whittled to the bare nub of its meaning.
Pico: I'd like to talk to you a lot more about this. Would you be interested in reading some of my literature?
Casandra: NO![Casandra shoots herself]
Pico: God motherfucking damn💀